Thursday, July 12, 2012

Book Review: Unstuck: Your Life. God's Design. Real Change.

Oh my. This one was a game changer for me. I was skeptical at first glance, but was hooked and changing myself by page 5. This book is backed by page after page of research on reading the Bible and is packed with resources to help you do exactly what the research findings suggest. I loved it. It has challenged my thinking and helped me make drastic changes in my Bible reading habits and views on the importance of being in the Word. As a Believer, I've struggled my whole life with making Bible reading a habit. The idea that four days of Bible "engagement," as the authors refer to it, can change your life and deepen your faith seems like a long shot. It's true. 22 days into the daily assignments, I believe it. I think about scripture more often. I engage in biblical conversations more frequently. My husband and I are talking about what I'm reading in the book and in the Bible almost every day.
The website connected to Unstuck offers texts, emails and phone calls with scripture to help with the daily engagement. You're able to sign up for as little or as much prodding as you want. You can even get a daily encouragement/check-in call from a real, live person. It's incredible.
This was not a difficult read, but it was difficult to realize how nonexistent scripture was in my life. I knew it, but being confronted with the facts was not pleasant. I've already told Jared his men's Bible study group and our small group need to read this one together. The discussions he and I have had have been wonderful. Just four days will "unstick" you. I believe it after just three weeks. I have been encouraged and convicted. This is a must read for anyone professing to be a Christian!

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