Sunday, January 11, 2015

Changing Direction

Since few people actually have this blog address, I'm feeling a little more free about ranting, raving and, well, just chatting here. I'll still do book and music reviews, if I feel like it. However, it will mostly be my crazy thoughts from now on. Last night, when L had me up four times in two hours, I had lots of thoughts. I decided this was going to be my avenue for them. My new journal? Some things just can't go on the regular blog, I guess.

Back to last night. I realized last night that with the exception of last night, I'm sleeping more. With L this happened pretty quickly. With W, 19 months in, I'm finally getting good rest and a full night's rest 3 or more nights a week. Two months ago, it was just about one good night/week. Finally getting rest means finally feeling like running again, reading more, cleaning more and actually being present and awake when I hang out with my babies. They are a delight, I just don't have to doze through the delight anymore. Yeah for sleep!!

As for feeling like running again....well, feeling like it doesn't mean it happens. It's terribly hard to squeeze it in when poor Jared is working so much. I'm weird and don't feel comfortable dropping my kids with complete strangers. We'll get there. I'm ready for road races, but not any more half-marathons. =) More later!

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