I've recently signed on to be a book reviewer for Bethany House Publishing. Since I love reading, I thought this would be fun, and a sweet diversion from every day life. In order to do it, I had to either open up my private family blog or create a new one. Here it is. I decided there are other things I'd like to share, apart from my family stories and pics. So, welcome to my brain. I plan to include reviews of books and music (since I miss pushing that on my students) and tips from my doctor husband. I learn something new from him about the doctor world almost daily.
Here's yesterday's tidbit: Pink eye is almost always viral. That means those antibiotic eye drops they give you don't help since they only fight bacteria. Doctors prescribe the drops for two reasons: 1. The parent insists on it, which is usually because of 2. The school nurse/school district insists on it.
Another pink eye tidbit, it's contagious for a long time.
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